So I'm officially in count down mode. Meaning I only have 3 full days left in Ponca City with family & friends and then the Peace Corps adventure will be underway. So what does leaving for 2 years entail......
Saying goodbye!! Which is super duper hard. On Sunday said goodbye to my sister, Chelsey. One of the hardest things to do because we are close. When I think about how I won't just be able to pick up the phone to tell her something (wonderful or vent or talk about the weather) is when I start to get all mopey, even though this is an extraordinary opportunity to experience the world THAT I AM EXCITED ABOUT> But can't seem to stop crying over....haha the irony. With every goodbye I have to remember and take the advice (which Miss Emily Hays reminded me of just today) of my recruiter, Shand: Remember the answers you've given in this interview for why you want to be apart of the Peace Corps. They will help you power through the times when you think why or is this a good idea. Such good advice...but hard to follow in my current emotional state. Which is needless to say a train wreck. For all family and friends that have been experiencing the wreckage, Please forgive me and forget anything I've done. Especially to my mom, who is being supportive and trying to help in every way possible....I'm so sorry for being short with you. I love you so much! And don't want you to question that in any way because I'm being rude and taking my stress out on you. Also to my dad sorry for making our last few days together tense...I promise I'm not trying to and will try my hardest to lighten the mood the next few days. Up until today or maybe yesterday I hadn't let my over active mind analysis everything that I will be missing. So obviously now I can't seem to stop. Which in turn leads to more crying. Yeah! hahaha
I would like to take this time to thank all current or return Volunteers for their blogs. It really helps to read that this is not just happening to me. And a big thanks to the people that I let me just sob and sob.
xoxo....lets all pray for the next blog to be an up beat one!